DER’s Mission Statement

The expertise which DER has gathered since its foundation 2011 is also a viral input for the periodical „European Voices“ which started in 2023 and aims to be a showcase of the Eastern, South-Eastern and Central European positions in the discussion of global political questions. DER serves in this project as the base of the Advisory Board of „European Voices“.

DER operates with a small team and relies exclusively on private sponsoring. Its headquarters are located in A-1010 Vienna, Reitschulgasse 2/2.

Verein DER ThinkTank

Obmann: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Bretschneider
Obmann Stellvertreter: Bot. i.R. Dr. Martin Vukovich
Generalsekretär: Dr. Ruth Pauli
Kassier: Dr. Peter Kamp
Kassier Stellvertreter: Mag. Martin Marek
ZVR-Zahl 162833240